
This formatter searches for separator strings and removes all data left or right of this separator.



The string to search for. Searching starts from the left side of the data. If an empty string is given this parameter is ignored. By default this parameter is set to “”.


The string to search for. Searching starts from the right side of the data. If an empty string is given this parameter is ignored. By default this parameter is set to “”.

LeftOffset (default: 0)

Defines the search start index when using LeftSeparator. By default this parameter is set to 0.

RightOffset (default: 0)

Defines the search start index when using RightSeparator. Counting starts from the right side of the message. By default this parameter is set to 0.

Parameters (from core.SimpleFormatter)


This value chooses the part of the message the formatting should be applied to. Use “” to target the message payload; other values specify the name of a metadata field to target. By default this parameter is set to “”.


When set to true, this formatter will not be applied to data that is empty or - in case of metadata - not existing. By default this parameter is set to false


This example will reduce data like “foo[bar[foo]bar]foo” to “bar[foo]bar”.

  Type: consumer.Console
  Streams: "*"
    - format.Trim:
      LeftSeparator: "["
      RightSeparator: "]"