SplitToJSON is a formatter that splits a message by a given token and creates a JSON object of the split values by assigning each value to a predefined property.



This value defines an array of JSON keys to which the split message’s parts should be assigned to. The keys are applied to the resulting token array by index.

SplitBy (default: |)

This value defines the separator character to use when splitting a message. By default this parameter is set to “|”.

KeepJSON (default: true)

This value can be set to “false” to escape JSON payload texts as regualar strings. Otherwise JSON payload will be taken as-is and set to the corresponding key. By default this parameter is set to “true”.

Parameters (from core.SimpleFormatter)


This value chooses the part of the message the formatting should be applied to. Use “” to target the message payload; other values specify the name of a metadata field to target. By default this parameter is set to “”.


When set to true, this formatter will not be applied to data that is empty or - in case of metadata - not existing. By default this parameter is set to false


This example will format a input of value1,value2,value3 to a json string of {“foo”:”value1”, “bar”:”value2”}:

  Type: consumer.Console
  Streams: "*"
    - format.SplitToJSON:
      SplitBy: ","
        - foo
        - bar