
This formatter extracts a specific value from a JSON payload and writes it back as a new payload or as a metadata field.



Defines the JSON key to extract. If the field does not exist an empty string is returned. Field paths can be defined in a format accepted by tgo.MarshalMap.Path. By default this parameter is set to “”.

TrimValues (default: true)

Enables trimming of whitespaces at the beginning and end of the extracted value. By default this parameter is set to true.


Defines the number of decimal places to use when converting Numbers into strings. If this parameter is set to 0 no restrictions will apply. By default this parameter is set to 0.

Parameters (from core.SimpleFormatter)


This value chooses the part of the message the formatting should be applied to. Use “” to target the message payload; other values specify the name of a metadata field to target. By default this parameter is set to “”.


When set to true, this formatter will not be applied to data that is empty or - in case of metadata - not existing. By default this parameter is set to false


  Type: consumer.Console
  Streams: console
    - formatter.ExtractJSON
      Field: host
      ApplyTo: host