

Gollum goes into an infinte loop once started. You can shutdown gollum by sending a SIG_INT, i.e. Ctrl+C, SIG_TERM or SIG_KILL.

Gollum has several commandline options that can be accessed by starting Gollum without any paramters:

-h, -help Print this help message.
-v, -version Print version information and quit.
-r, -runtime Print runtime information and quit.
-l, -list Print plugin information and quit.
-c, -config Use a given configuration file.
-tc, -testconfig
 Test the given configuration file and exit.
-ll, -loglevel Set the loglevel [0-3] as in {0=Error, 1=+Warning, 2=+Info, 3=+Debug}.
-lc, -log-colors
 Use Logrus’s “colored” log format. One of “never”, “auto” (default), “always”
-n, -numcpu Number of CPUs to use. Set 0 for all CPUs (respects cgroup limits).
-p, -pidfile Write the process id into a given file.
-m, -metrics Address to use for metric queries. Disabled by default.
-hc, -healthcheck
 Listening address ([IP]:PORT) to use for healthcheck HTTP endpoint. Disabled by default.
-pc, -profilecpu
 Write CPU profiler results to a given file.
-pm, -profilemem
 Write heap profile results to a given file.
-ps, -profilespeed
 Write msg/sec measurements to log.
-pt, -profiletrace
 Write profile trace results to a given file.
-t, -trace Write message trace results _TRACE_ stream.

Running Gollum

By default you start Gollum with your config file of your defined pipeline.

Configuration files are written in the YAML format and have to be loaded via command line switch. Each plugin has a different set of configuration options which are currently described in the plugin itself, i.e. you can find examples in the github wiki.

# starts a gollum process
gollum -c path/to/your/config.yaml

Here is a minimal console example to run Gollum:

# create a minimal config
echo \
{StdIn: {Type: consumer.Console, Streams: console}, StdOut: {Type: producer.Console, Streams: console}} \
> example_conf.yaml

# starts a gollum process
gollum -c example_conf.yaml -ll 3