Socket to KafkaΒΆ

This example creates a unix domain socket /tmp/kafka.socket that accepts the following protocol: | <topic>:<message_base64>\n

The message will be base64 decoded and written to the topic mentioned at the start of the message. This example also allows shows how to apply rate limiting per topic.

Configuration (v0.4.x):

# Socket accepts <topic>:<message_base64>
- "consumer.Socket":
    Stream: "raw"
    Address: "unix:///tmp/kafka.socket"
    Permissions: "0777"

# Stream "raw" to stream "<topic>" conversion
# Decoding of <message_base64> to <message>
- "stream.Broadcast":
    Stream: "raw"
    Formatter: "format.StreamRoute"
    StreamRouteDelimiter: ":"
    StreamRouteFormatter: "format.Base64Decode"

# Listening to all streams as streams are generated at runtime
# Use ChannelTimeoutMs to be non-blocking
- "producer.Kafka":
    Stream: "*"
    Filter: "filter.Rate"
    RateLimitPerSec: 100
    ChannelTimeoutMs: 10
        - "kafka1:9092"
        - "kafka2:9092"
        - "kafka3:9092"