
ProcessTSV is a formatter that allows modifications to fields of a given TSV message. The message is modified and returned again as TSV.


ProcessTSVDataFormatter formatter that will be applied before ProcessTSVDirectives are processed.

ProcessTSVDirectives defines the action to be applied to the tsv payload. Directives are processed in order of appearance. The directives have to be given in the form of key:operation:parameters, where operation can be one of the following.

  • replace:<old>:<new> replace a given string in the value with a new one.
  • prefix:<string> add a given string to the start of the value.
  • postfix:<string> add a given string to the end of the value.
  • trim:<characters> remove the given characters (not string!) from the start and end of the value.
  • quote add a ” to the start and end of the value after processing.
  • timestamp:<read>:<write> read a timestamp and transform it into another format.
  • remove remove the value.
  • agent{:<user_agent_field>:<user_agent_field>:...} Parse the value as a user agent string and extract the given fields into <key>_<user_agent_field> (“ua:agent:browser:os” would create the new fields “ua_browser” and “ua_os”).
ProcessTSVDelimiter defines what value separator to split on. Defaults to tabs.
ProcessTSVQuotedValue defines if a value that starts and ends with ” may contain ProcessTSVDelimiter without being split. Default is false.


- "stream.Broadcast":
    Formatter: "format.processTSV"
    ProcessTSVDataFormatter: "format.Forward"
    ProcessTSVDelimiter: '\t'
    ProcessTSVQuotedValues: false
        - "0:time:20060102150405:2006-01-02 15\\:04\\:05"
        - "3:replace:°:\n"
        - "6:prefix:0."
        - "6:postfix:000"
        - "7:trim: "
        - "10:quote"
        - "11:remove"
        - "11:agent:browser:os:version"