
Thes consumer reads data from a given kafka topic. It is based on the sarama library so most settings are mapped to the settings from this library. When attached to a fuse, this consumer will stop processing messages in case that fuse is burned.


Enable switches the consumer on or off. By default this value is set to true.
ID allows this consumer to be found by other plugins by name. By default this is set to “” which does not register this consumer.
Stream contains either a single string or a list of strings defining the message channels this consumer will produce. By default this is set to “*” which means only producers set to consume “all streams” will get these messages.
Fuse defines the name of a fuse to observe for this consumer. Producer may “burn” the fuse when they encounter errors. Consumers may react on this by e.g. closing connections to notify any writing services of the problem. Set to “” by default which disables the fuse feature for this consumer. It is up to the consumer implementation to react on a broken fuse in an appropriate manner.
Topic defines the kafka topic to read from. By default this is set to “default”.
ClientId sets the client id of this consumer. By default this is “gollum”.
GroupId sets the consumer group of this consumer. By default this is “” which disables consumer groups. This requires Version to be >= 0.9.
Version defines the kafka protocol version to use. Common values are 0.8.2, 0.9.0 or 0.10.0. Values of the form “A.B” are allowed as well as “A.B.C” and “A.B.C.D”. Defaults to “0.8.2”, or if GroupId is set “”. If the version given is not known, the closest possible version is chosen. If GroupId is set and this is < “0.9”, “” will be used.
DefaultOffset defines where to start reading the topic. Valid values are “oldest” and “newest”. If OffsetFile is defined the DefaultOffset setting will be ignored unless the file does not exist. By default this is set to “newest”. Ignored when using GroupId.
OffsetFile defines the path to a file that stores the current offset inside a given partition. If the consumer is restarted that offset is used to continue reading. By default this is set to “” which disables the offset file. Ignored when using GroupId.
FolderPermissions is used to create the offset file path if necessary. Set to 0755 by default. Ignored when using GroupId.
Ordered can be set to enforce partitions to be read one-by-one in a round robin fashion instead of reading in parallel from all partitions. Set to false by default. Ignored when using GroupId.
PrependKey can be enabled to prefix the read message with the key from the kafka message. A separator will ba appended to the key. See KeySeparator. By default this is option set to false.
KeySeparator defines the separator that is appended to the kafka message key if PrependKey is set to true. Set to ”:” by default.
MaxOpenRequests defines the number of simultaneous connections are allowed. By default this is set to 5.
ServerTimeoutSec defines the time after which a connection is set to timed out. By default this is set to 30 seconds.
MaxFetchSizeByte sets the maximum size of a message to fetch. Larger messages will be ignored. By default this is set to 0 (fetch all messages).
MinFetchSizeByte defines the minimum amout of data to fetch from Kafka per request. If less data is available the broker will wait. By default this is set to 1.
FetchTimeoutMs defines the time in milliseconds the broker will wait for MinFetchSizeByte to be reached before processing data anyway. By default this is set to 250ms.
MessageBufferCount sets the internal channel size for the kafka client. By default this is set to 8192.
PresistTimoutMs defines the time in milliseconds between writes to OffsetFile. By default this is set to 5000. Shorter durations reduce the amount of duplicate messages after a fail but increases I/O. When using GroupId this only controls how long to pause after receiving errors.
ElectRetries defines how many times to retry during a leader election. By default this is set to 3.
ElectTimeoutMs defines the number of milliseconds to wait for the cluster to elect a new leader. Defaults to 250.
MetadataRefreshMs set the interval in seconds for fetching cluster metadata. By default this is set to 10000. This corresponds to the JVM setting topic.metadata.refresh.interval.ms.
TlsEnable defines whether to use TLS to communicate with brokers. Defaults to false.
TlsKeyLocation defines the path to the client’s private key (PEM) for used for authentication. Defaults to “”.
TlsCertificateLocation defines the path to the client’s public key (PEM) used for authentication. Defaults to “”.
TlsCaLocation defines the path to CA certificate(s) for verifying the broker’s key. Defaults to “”.
TlsServerName is used to verify the hostname on the server’s certificate unless TlsInsecureSkipVerify is true. Defaults to “”.
TlsInsecureSkipVerify controls whether to verify the server’s certificate chain and host name. Defaults to false.
SaslEnable is whether to use SASL for authentication. Defaults to false.
SaslUsername is the user for SASL/PLAIN authentication. Defaults to “gollum”.
SaslPassword is the password for SASL/PLAIN authentication. Defaults to “”.
Servers contains the list of all kafka servers to connect to. By default this is set to contain only “localhost:9092”.


- "consumer.Kafka":
    Enable: true
    ID: ""
    Fuse: ""
        - "foo"
        - "bar"
    Topic: "default"
    ClientId: "gollum"
    Version: "0.8.2"
    GroupId: ""
    DefaultOffset: "newest"
    OffsetFile: ""
    FolderPermissions: "0755"
    Ordered: true
    MaxOpenRequests: 5
    ServerTimeoutSec: 30
    MaxFetchSizeByte: 0
    MinFetchSizeByte: 1
    FetchTimeoutMs: 250
    MessageBufferCount: 256
    PresistTimoutMs: 5000
    ElectRetries: 3
    ElectTimeoutMs: 250
    MetadataRefreshMs: 10000
    TlsEnabled: true
    TlsKeyLocation: ""
    TlsCertificateLocation: ""
    TlsCaLocation: ""
    TlsServerName: ""
    TlsInsecureSkipVerify: false
    SaslEnabled: false
    SaslUsername: "gollum"
    SaslPassword: ""
    PrependKey: false
    KeySeparator: ":"
        - "localhost:9092"