
This producer writes data to an influxDB endpoint. Data is not converted to the correct influxDB format automatically. Proper formatting might be required.


Enable (default: true)

Switches this plugin on or off.


Defines the InfluxDB protocol version to use. This can either be 80-89 for 0.8.x, 90 for 0.9.0 or 91-100 for 0.9.1 or later. Be default this parameter is set to 100.


Defines the host (and port) of the InfluxDB master. Be default this parameter is set to “localhost:8086”.


Defines the InfluxDB username to use. If this is empty, credentials are not used. Be default this parameter is set to “”.


Defines the InfluxDB password to use. Be default this parameter is set to “”.


Sets the InfluxDB database to write to. Be default this parameter is set to “default”.


When set to true, the Database parameter is treated as a template for time.Format and the resulting string is used as the database name. You can e.g. use “default-2006-01-02” to switch databases each day. By default this parameter is set to “true”.


Only available for Version 90. This setting defines the InfluxDB retention policy allowed with this protocol version. By default this parameter is set to “”.

Parameters (from core.BatchedProducer)

Batch/MaxCount (default: 8192)

Defines the maximum number of messages per batch. If this limit is reached a flush is always triggered. By default this parameter is set to 8192.

Batch/FlushCount (default: 4096)

Defines the minimum number of messages required to flush a batch. If this limit is reached a flush might be triggered. By default this parameter is set to 4096.

Batch/TimeoutSec (default: 5, unit: sec)

Defines the maximum time in seconds messages can stay in the internal buffer before being flushed. By default this parameter is set to 5.

Parameters (from core.SimpleProducer)


Defines a list of streams the producer will receive from. This parameter is mandatory. Specifying “*” causes the producer to receive messages from all streams except internal internal ones (e.g. _GOLLUM_). By default this parameter is set to an empty list.


Defines a stream to route messages to if delivery fails. The message is reset to its original state before being routed, i.e. all modifications done to the message after leaving the consumer are removed. Setting this paramater to “” will cause messages to be discared when delivery fails.

ShutdownTimeoutMs (default: 1000, unit: ms)

Defines the maximum time in milliseconds a producer is allowed to take to shut down. After this timeout the producer is always considered to have shut down. Decreasing this value may lead to lost messages during shutdown. Raising it may increase shutdown time.


Defines a list of modulators to be applied to a message when it arrives at this producer. If a modulator changes the stream of a message the message is NOT routed to this stream anymore. By default this parameter is set to an empty list.


  Type: producer.InfluxDB
  Streams: metrics
  Host: "influx01:8086"
  Database: "metrics"
  TimeBasedName: false
    MaxCount: 2000
    FlushCount: 100
    TimeoutSec: 5